There are dangers of comparing financial products because each product is designed for different purpose and needs. But comparisons are tools to help us arrive at decisions that account for our needs and suitability. We often hear how life insurance products give low returns compared to other products and it is partly true. However after […]
10 Financial resolutions for the new year 2013
1. Spend less – Keep a check on your spending. It sounds simplistic, but many people struggle with this first basic rule. Make sure you know what your job is worth in the marketplace, by conducting an evaluation of your skills, productivity, job tasks, contribution to the company, and the going rate, both inside and […]
What are the Advantages to Having Life Insurance?
Life insurance can be an important asset to have, no matter where you are in life. If you have a family of your own, life insurance can help your family survive financially, if they didn’t have your income to support them any longer. And for retirees, life insurance can benefit surviving family members, can be […]
Why hiring CPFA(Certified Personal Financial Advisor) is important for your financial planning?
When you have headache you go to a Doctor, when you need legal help you go to a lawyer .what happens when you need financial planning advice? Selecting your Financial Adviser is the most important decision you will take in your life for you & your family. Choosing a CPFA may help you in following […]
Do you have a reliable, trustworthy and knowledgeable financial planner?
Do you have a reliable, trustworthy and knowledgeable financial planner? Many times I wonder why people make so much chaos with their personal finances. Individuals give so much importance to their house interiors, tasty meal and attractive clothing but are found to be really very bad in their money management skills. I will […]
Eighth Wonder of the World to get Rich – The Power of Compounding
Albert Einstein, arguably one of the most intelligent people who ever lived, was asked what he thought was the greatest of mankind’s discoveries. His answer: “compound interest.” He went so far as to call it the eighth wonder of the world. As an example of just how powerful this can be, consider the following scenario. […]