As the Tax season is close by many of the Tax payers will be breaking their heads to save taxes. As i always say people should start planning their taxes in the beginning of the financial year than breaking their heads at the last moment and making hasty investments which will make them end up […]
What Benefits can I Expect From Utilizing the service of a Certified Personal Financial Advisor
There are many benefits from undertaking the services of Financial Coaching. Depending on your circumstances and your commitment to change, these could be many and varied and include: Confidence and knowledge in handling your finances and planning for your future Setting your kids up to be financially successful Knowing how much you need to save for […]
3 Golden Mantras to Achieve Financial Freedom
Assuredgain believes the path to success is by keeping it simple. Three golden mantras to achieve financial freedom are: You must spend less than you earn Commit to a strategy you can follow. Be disciplined and exercise patience. Tax season forces people to take a cold hard look at their finances and investment portfolios whether […]
The Business of Being a Billionaire – Warren Buffett
Warren Buffett needs little introduction, especially for those focused on the business of making money. The richest man in the world is arguably one of the most successful investors of all time. But he’s also one of the most mysterious. In a world where fast money and big egos rule, he prefers to live his […]
Taking a comprehensive approach to your financial life
Money means different things to different people. Each of us has different dreams. You may want to achieve or maintain financial freedom so that you never have to work again – even if you plan on working the rest of your life. You may want to make a high quality education possible for your children […]