Yesterday Finance Minister informed to Rajya Sabha about the number of complaints registered against insurer for unfair business practice during the period of 2012-13. Below is the list of top achievers 🙂 1) HDFC Standard Life-33,813 2) Bajaj Allianz-21,745 3) Birla Sun Life-21,651 4) ICICI Prudential Life-16,891 5) Reliance Life-16,401 Leading private life insurers HDFC Standard Life, Bajaj Allianz […]
life insurance
Top 5 things you need to know about Life-Insurance
Plan for the unexpected: Having a plan for when unexpected things happen is an important part of managing your money. When you’re fit and healthy, it’s hard to imagine life changing. But what would happen if you couldn’t earn an income because you fell ill or became disabled? How would your family manage financially if […]
Life insurance — it’s protection for your family and peace of mind for you.
It’s amazing when you really stop and think about all the effort you put into protecting your family. You provide a roof over their head, a safe, loving environment and the encouragement to tackle each day confidently. You do all this naturally because you love them. Life, unfortunately, doesn’t give us any guarantees that we’ll […]
Financial Independence versus Financial Freedom
Financial Independence versus Financial Freedom have slight difference. Let us try to understand these two terms and their significance. Financial Independence = Zero-debt + Adequate Emergency Funds + Adequate Health Insurance Cover + Income excluding Salary and Investments >= Average Monthly Expenses So, when you’re financially independent, you don’t owe a penny to anyone and you’ve […]
Tax saving is not enough! Go ahead do Tax Planning!
Most individuals we come across, are more worried about saving taxes than saving for their future. However, in the pursuit to save taxes, individuals more often than not, ignore financial planning. Many are of the opinion that planning their personal finances can be accorded a lower priority, after tax planning. They believe that financial planning […]
Life Insurance handbook: Pocket guide to all your insurance queries
As India progresses, most of us now have a plethora of investment opportunities to choose from. The more the options the more queries one has. One area where almost all of us have a host of queries is Insurance. Insurance plans whether traditional plans or ULIPs have many details that one needs to understand. We, […]