Whether or not you make other New Year resolutions, here is one you should make. Don’t postpone savings or investments. The new urban lifestyle has made people more prone to spending than to saving or investing. With India Inc prospering and young professionals getting handsome packages, people today are financially independent at a younger age. […]
Permanent Total Disability
Income tax tips for Rs. 200,001 to 1,000,000 slab
Individuals falling in the high income group often miss out on some of the lesser known tax planning strategies which could substantially reduce their tax liability. (1) Gift or Loan to Major Children – Avoid investing the amount in your own name as it will attract tax, rather gift the surplus to your major children. […]
Magic of LIC as tax-saving tool! Why should one invest in LIC than Fixed deposit?
There are dangers of comparing financial products because each product is designed for different purpose and needs. But comparisons are tools to help us arrive at decisions that account for our needs and suitability. We often hear how life insurance products give low returns compared to other products and it is partly true. However after […]
Life Insurance Myths: Get the Facts and Protect What Matters Most – 1
AssuredGain – Chennai’s leading financial planner brings a series of article decoding myths of life insurance. We’ll do anything to protect our loved ones, right? But, far too often, most people don’t have life insurance, or if they do, they do not have enough. Their reason for not having life insurance varies: confusion about the […]
Personal accident insurance policy? Must buy policy for every individual
Accident insurance policy – Must buy policy for every individual Accidents are the fact of life. Chances of mishaps happening to ourselves seem almost remote but they could happen at a time when you least expect it. The probability of you met with an accident in India or abroad is very high. Do you know? […]