The key to any good relationship is trust and the client/agent relationship is no exception. You need to trust your agent’s knowledge, experience and professional judgment. And above all, you always should feel that the agent is acting in your best interest. The agent also needs to trust you. He or she needs to know […]
financial planning chennai
Income tax tips for Rs. 200,001 to 1,000,000 slab
Individuals falling in the high income group often miss out on some of the lesser known tax planning strategies which could substantially reduce their tax liability. (1) Gift or Loan to Major Children – Avoid investing the amount in your own name as it will attract tax, rather gift the surplus to your major children. […]
How to e-file your tax returns
How to e-file your tax returns If you have a taxable income of Rs 5 lakh and above, it is mandatory for you to e-file your tax return. An average taxpayer should take roughly 30-40 minutes to key in all the information and upload his return. Here’s how to go about it. 1) Log on to the […]
Why should you have a Financial Plan?
Achievement of any goal needs a well thought out plan. Similarly, achievement of your financial goals needs a financial plan. Consider the following questions about your financial future: Do you know if your PF would be enough to give you a comfortable retirement? Do you know how much you need to invest in order to have […]
The Importance of Having a Financial Plan
In today’s uncertain economy, financial planning has become increasingly important. With an overwhelming number of options for saving and investing, managing your finances can be difficult. Creating a financial plan helps you see the big picture and set long and short-term life goals, a crucial step in mapping out your financial future. When you have […]
Common misconceptions of Financial planning dispelled
Common misconceptions of Financial planning dispelled There are many misconceptions people have about financial planning services. In order to help dispel these misconceptions we have provided you with answers to some commonly asked questions. We would be happy to assist you if you have additional questions or would like to contact us for more information. […]