Protect your finances against recession through the Perpetual Wealth Strategy. This strategy has proven time and again how powerful and versatile whole life policies are for individuals in many different walks, circumstances, and phases of life. I’ve experienced it firsthand, and have utilized this strategy to maximize my own cash flow, pay off expensive debt, […]
Wealth Managment
VG Siddhartha: Financial Planning lessons for you in death, as in life
Managing debt, keeping personal and business finances separate, and curbing reckless spending are critical. AssuredGain’s recommendation for those in Top Management and business. Importance of Financial Planning The demise of VG Siddhartha, the founder of India’s largest coffee chain, Café Coffee Day (CCD), is most unlucky. While there are arguments on the business, tax and […]
Life insurance in your 30s
In your 20s, everything is shiny and brand new, filled with hope and you are open to experimentation. By your 30s you are starting to settle down. Obligations and responsibilities –a new family, new home, bigger car – start to take up all your time. You may even have started semi-permanently settling in a job […]
Financial Planning- How is the lizard part of your brain costing you money?
How is the lizard part of your brain costing you money? Are you sometimes mystified by how your money seems to mysteriously disappear? That’s because the primitive so-called lizard part of your brain is probably in charge of your spending. In the middle of your brain is a primitive group of nuclei called the basal […]
How Fit Are Your Finances? What to Check Up on in The New Year
So how are those 2014 financial resolutions going?” If you find that question cringe-inducing, trust me: you are not alone. And you may be over-reacting. As a financial advisor, I can assure you it’s still plenty early for you to turn your good financial intentions into actionable steps and repeatable systems. All behavior change (weight […]
Inflation Indexed Bonds (IIBs)
1. Inflation Indexed Bonds (IIBs) were issued in the name of Capital Indexed Bonds (CIBs) during 1997. How is the new product of IIBs different from earlier CIBs? The CIBs issued in 1997 provided inflation protection only to principal and not to interest payment. New product of IIBs will provide inflation protection to both principal […]