Whether or not you make other New Year resolutions, here is one you should make. Don’t postpone savings or investments. The new urban lifestyle has made people more prone to spending than to saving or investing. With India Inc prospering and young professionals getting handsome packages, people today are financially independent at a younger age. […]
Financial Planning
New survey shows Families Need Financial Planning Help
New survey shows Families Need Financial Planning Help A recent study showed that 85% of families with children have no financial plan. I strongly feel that the majority of the other 15% don’t have a financial plan either – at least not one that truly reflects their desired financial path through life. I define financial […]
10 Financial resolutions for the new year 2013
1. Spend less – Keep a check on your spending. It sounds simplistic, but many people struggle with this first basic rule. Make sure you know what your job is worth in the marketplace, by conducting an evaluation of your skills, productivity, job tasks, contribution to the company, and the going rate, both inside and […]
Saving vs Investing – Do you know the real difference?
It is important to understand the similarities and differences between saving and investing your money. It is also important to be sure that you are doing both within your budget and wealth building plan. Basically saving money is putting money aside on a regular basis. You spend less money than you earn and put the […]
Why hiring CPFA(Certified Personal Financial Advisor) is important for your financial planning?
When you have headache you go to a Doctor, when you need legal help you go to a lawyer .what happens when you need financial planning advice? Selecting your Financial Adviser is the most important decision you will take in your life for you & your family. Choosing a CPFA may help you in following […]
Do you have a reliable, trustworthy and knowledgeable financial planner?
Do you have a reliable, trustworthy and knowledgeable financial planner? Many times I wonder why people make so much chaos with their personal finances. Individuals give so much importance to their house interiors, tasty meal and attractive clothing but are found to be really very bad in their money management skills. I will […]